Frequently Asked Questions
- Why should I consider an internship?
- What is an internship?
- How early should I begin planning an internship?
- When can I do an internship?
- Are internships paid?
- How do I apply for an internship?
- What are the benefits of completing the learning agreement and evaluations?
- How can I get the most out of my internship?
- What should I do if I’m experiencing concerns or issues while interning?
- Can I earn course credit for my internship?
1. Why should I consider an internship?
Internships allow you to:
- Apply classroom knowledge to a real work environment
- Acquire experience important for future employment and education
- Develop and practice transferable skills
- Experience different management styles and work environments
- Develop long-range career goals and test your skills and interests in a particular career field
- Learn about your own personal aptitudes and preferences
- Understand the value of your liberal arts studies
- Expand your professional network and references
- Increase your chances of receiving a job offer upon graduation
2. What is an internship?
Internships are a valuable part of the St. Norbert College experience and they allow you to gain hands-on experience while developing career-specific skills. Internships can take place anytime throughout the year, on- or off-campus, and can be paid or unpaid.
3. How early should I begin planning an internship?
Planning should begin at least one semester in advance. Each company will have their own individual timetable. However, the earlier you begin planning your internship, the more options you may have. Some companies have formalized internship programs while others utilize an internship on an as-needed basis.
4. When can I do an internship?
Fall, Spring, or during the summer and winter breaks. In addition, your internship start date does not need to correlate directly with semester start dates.
5. Are internships paid?
The company providing the internship determines whether an intern will be paid. Companies will vary on their policies and resources for compensation. What is important is that you are receiving the “documented experience” that is a prerequisite for many kinds of employment. For an internship to be considered “documented experience,” students must complete an internship learning agreement and evaluation.
6. How do I apply for an internship?
Each company will have a different policy for applying. Schedule an appointment with the Career & Professional Development staff for assistance in developing a résumé, cover letter, and reference page or to practice your interviewing skills. The Office of Career & Professional Development has numerous handouts and guides to help in the application and interview process.
7. What are the benefits of completing the learning agreement and evaluations?
The learning agreement serves as a contract between you, your site supervisor, and SNC. The learning agreement and evaluations are a requirement of the academic credit internships at St. Norbert College. The forms allow the college to have a record of your internship and to verify your position if asked to do so by your future employers. The learning agreement and evaluations allow for a more structured approach, including check-in points throughout the internship, and they can be used to demonstrate you have the internship experience future employers require.
8. How can I get the most out of my internship?
- Express a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
- Complete your work assignments with enthusiasm and professionalism.
- Exhibit initiative and suggest creative solutions to some of the challenges at your work site.
- Set personal goals that are realistic and attainable.
- Meet regularly with your supervisor(s). Discuss problems as they arise.
- Do not be afraid to ask questions, but also be a good listener and learn as much as you can.
- Network – Build professional relationships with your supervisor and other people in the organization.
- Ask to attend staff and professional meetings.
- Leave with tangible results to add to your resume and/or portfolio.
9. What should I do if I’m experiencing concerns or issues while interning?
Contact the Career and Professional Development office where staff will assist you.
10. Can I earn course credit for my internship?
Yes! Learn more about academic internships for credit on the academic internships website.
Disclaimer: Most employers are reputable and reliable, but the Career & Professional Development office is not in a position to guarantee the professional standing of all companies, organizations or individuals posting internship opportunities. Applicants are strongly encouraged to research potential sponsors as part of the internship search process.
Contact Us
We are located in Todd Wehr Hall Room 215.
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3040
Email: careers@snc.edu
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