Getting Started
Internships can be part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid; arrangements vary according to the needs of the student and the employer.Finding an Internship
There are many ways to find an internship position.
- Start reviewing the internship search resources
- Login to Handsake for access to the St. Norbert College database of internship listings.
- Attend internship and career fairs
- Consult with St. Norbert College faculty and staff
- Explore company websites - If you know of a company at which you would like to intern, search their website for postings.
- Network with everyone you know. Let friends, family, neighbors, professors, former employers, etc., know what kind of internship you are searching for. Ask for referrals and request informational interviews. Networking is an ideal way for finding those internship and job opportunities that are not posted.
- Join LinkedIn. A LinkedIn account is a great way to create a professional brand online and to discover inside connections when you’re looking for an internship.
Steps to Preparing for an Internship
- Determine your internship goals.
- Conduct informational interviews with companies that interest you.
- Prepare a tailored résumé and cover letter for every position you apply to and have it critiqued by a career counselor.
- Create a reference page.
- Prepare for interviews.
- Learn about behavioral-based interviewing, create your 60-second commercial, prepare questions to ask and conduct a mock interview with a career counselor.
- Follow up.
- Stay in contact with employers to determine the status of your application.
- Always send a thank-you within 24-48 hours of an interview.
Disclaimer: Most employers are reputable and reliable, but Career & Professional Development is not in a position to guarantee the professional standing of all companies, organizations or individuals posting internship opportunities. Applicants are strongly encouraged to research potential employers as part of the internship search process.
Contact Us
We are located in Todd Wehr Hall Room 215.
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3040
Email: careers@snc.edu
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Connect With St. Norbert College Alumni and Friends on LinkedIn.
Follow our Backpack to Briefcase Board on Pinterest.