Workplace Expectations: Corrective Action
Applies to: All faculty and staff
Purpose: To define the college’s policy on corrective action and to establish guidelines for the corrective action process
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Revision Dates: April 2021
Last Reviewed: April 2021
Corrective action is a process designed to identify and correct problems that affect an employee’s work performance and/or the overall performance of the department. Corrective action is intended to encourage individuals to improve their performance or change unacceptable conduct. The progressive corrective action process should be followed consistently across campus.Corrective actions may include:
- An apology
- Additional training requirements
- A verbal warning
- A written warning
- Performance Improvement Plan
- Suspension
- Demotion
- Salary reduction or delay in salary increase
- Termination of employment
The type of corrective action the college takes will depend upon the circumstances of each case. While the college attempts to provide opportunities for employees to correct or improve their performance, infractions of college policies may result in immediate discharge, depending upon the circumstances.
When considering corrective action, the college considers the following circumstances:
- Your truthfulness and willingness to cooperate in investigating the circumstances of an incident or performance issue
- Your perceived ability and willingness to improve and rectify the problem
- Your past performance record
- Your working relationships with supervisors and co-workers
- The severity of your conduct and the harm you caused, plus the business needs of the college
All corrective actions will usually be discussed with the assistant vice president for human resources before any actions are taken.
If there’s a situation where immediate dismissal may be required, and the assistant vice president for human resources or designee can’t be reached, you may be suspended, pending an investigation.
Any disciplinary action you receive may prohibit you from participating in a supervisory or leadership role with students. These situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Contact Us
Our office is located on First Street in the Garden Level (lower level) of Main Hall in De Pere, Wis.
Campus Map
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3211
Fax: 920-403-3983
Email: hr@snc.edu