Workplace Expectations: Minors in the Workplace
Applies to: All faculty and staff
Purpose: To outline when children can appropriately be at the workplace, and to provide guidance for creating a supportive working climate for employees who need to meet family obligations.
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Revision Dates: 1/21/2021
Last Reviewed: 1/21/2021
Employees are welcome to bring their children to visit their worksite, provided the visits are infrequent, brief and planned in a fashion that limits disruption to the workplace. While children are in the workplace, they must be directly supervised by the host/parent at all times. If the frequency, length or nature of visits becomes problematic, the employee will be advised of the situation and will be expected to take corrective action.
Employees are not permitted to bring ill children to work. That is, this policy is not to be used as a backup childcare arrangement. Employees are provided paid time off benefits which should be used for personal reasons, or to care for an ill child. Employees may consult the Employee Resource Center to find an emergency care provider to care for sick children.
Contact Us
Our office is located on First Street in the Garden Level (lower level) of Main Hall in De Pere, Wis.
Campus Map
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3211
Fax: 920-403-3983
Email: hr@snc.edu