Workplace Expectations: Professional Conduct
Applies to: All faculty, staff, contractors and volunteers
Purpose: To define the college’s expected standards of conduct in the workplace
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Revision Dates: April 2021
Last Reviewed: April 2021
St. Norbert College expects all faculty, staff, contractors and volunteers to adhere to high standards of conduct in the workplace. All members should be respectful to one another at all times, along with being good stewards of college resources. Anyone who violates the college’s professional conduct policy will be subject to corrective action that could include termination.Although it’s not possible to list all forms of unprofessional conduct, here are some behaviors that violate the college’s professional conduct policy.
- Poor job performance
- Loafing, neglecting your duties, being incompetent or inefficiently performing your duties (e.g., wasting materials, property or working time)
- Failing or willfully refusing to perform work as directed; insubordination
- Failing or willfully refusing to work in harmony with other employees, students, donors or visitors; being discourteous; or creating disharmony, irritation or friction with other employees, students, donors or visitors
- Using profane, obscene or abusive language or behavior while at work or work-related functions
- Being dishonest, stealing or damaging property, or falsifying information or records
- Placing obscene phone calls or writing inappropriate emails; using social media inappropriately; stalking; or coercing employees, students or visitors
- Making disparaging comments, written or spoken, that have a detrimental effect on college operations or on the reputation of the college or individuals
- Fighting, threatening, intimidating, physically attacking or coercing others on college premises
- Repeatedly being late or absent from work, or failing to follow the proper procedures to report absences
- Being absent from work without approval
- Using leave for a purpose other than the one for which it was granted
- Soliciting employees during work time without authorization, or distributing literature in work areas
- Accessing an unauthorized area
- Using college equipment for nonbusiness purposes without approval
- Removing or using property belonging to the college, other employees, students or visitors without authorization
- Allowing or failing to report unauthorized individuals on campus
- Carelessly or willfully damaging, losing or destroying property belonging to the college, other employees, students or visitors
- Breaching confidentiality, or tampering with computerized information or hard-copy records
- Acting negligently in observing safety regulations or policies, performing work unsafely, or failing to report on-the-job injuries or unsafe conditions
- Committing a crime at work, or during off-work hours when the crime is substantially related to your job. If you are arrested or cited, you may be suspended pending resolution of the charge.
- Unavailability for work because of incarceration
- Sleeping on the job
- Violating other college policies or department rules, or violating any other commonly accepted reasonable rules of responsible personal conduct
Contact Us
Our office is located on First Street in the Garden Level (lower level) of Main Hall in De Pere, Wis.
Campus Map
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3211
Fax: 920-403-3983
Email: hr@snc.edu