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Trustee Partners Are Committed to the Mission

A charism is a distinct spirit that gives life and character to a religious order. One of the charisms of the Norbertines is localitas. Simply, it is the long-term commitment to service to a local community. The St. Norbert College Board of Trustees is a diverse group of generous alumni, Norbertine fathers and beloved friends of the college dedicated to service, stewardship and sustenance of the college community of St. Norbert.

Ms. Tracy B. Arndt
The Rev. James Baraniak, O. Praem., ’88
The Rev. Andy Cribben, O. Praem., ’91
Mr. Mike Daniels ’86
Mr. Phil Flynn
Dr. Mike Foley ’84
The Rev. Jay Fostner, O. Praem., ’84
Mr. Paul Gehl
Mr. George Hartmann Jr. ’64
Mr. Chris Hess ’02
The Rev. Patrick LaPacz, O. Praem
Bro. Terry Lauerman, O. Praem., ’67
Ms. Christine Loose '88
Mr. Mike McEvoy ’94
Ms. Patti McKeithan ’71, Board Chair
The Rev. Jordan Neeck, O. Praem., ’11 
Dr. Sandra Odorzynski
Ms. Ashley Prange ’05
Mr. Bill Rehm ’83
Ms. MaryEllen Schill ’85
Mr. Joseph Schinkten
Mr. Fred Schmidt ’75
Mr. Tom Schmidt 71
Mr. Richard Terry 59
Mr. Edward Thompson
The Rev. Johnathan Turba, O. Praem. '22
The Very Rev. Brad Vanden Branden, O. Praem '09
Ms. Julie Van Straten 
Mr. Kurt Voss
The Rev. John Zagarella, O. Praem.
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