Career and Self-Assessment Tools for Students
We offer career assessments to assist you in identifying career paths based on your preferences, interests, skills and values as they relate to academic and career exploration.
It's important to note that these assessments will not tell you what to do, but they will start your self-awareness journey and give you insight into occupations you might enjoy.
After taking the assessments online, the Strong Interest Inventory and MBTI must be interpreted by a counselor in the Career & Professional Development office. To take these assessments schedule an appointment with the Career and Professional Development office.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator (MBTI) instrument provides an accurate picture of personal
characteristics by determining preferences in four categories; the combination
of these preferences will identify one of 16 distinct personality types.
Understanding the characteristics unique to you provides insight on the ways
you communicate and interact with others. This information can then be used to help
identify the types of careers that may be supportive to you.
The MBTI measures valuable differences that result from:
- The way you are energized
- How you gather information
- How you make decisions
- The way you approach your life
Contact the Career & Professional Development office with questions or to schedule an appointment to take the MBTI.
Strong Interest Inventory
Taking the Strong Interest Inventory can be helpful in your career decision-making and planning. This assessment measures your level of interest in occupational areas, work and leisure activities, and various learning and work environments. Your interests are compared with people who are happily employed in a variety of occupations.
Your Strong results can be used to help you identify the following:
- General patterns in your work and leisure interests
- Work or learning environments that fit your interests
- How similar (or dissimilar) your interests are to the interests of people who are working in 130 occupations
- How you can find a job or career consistent with your likes and dislikes
- Additional alternatives or options related to work or leisure-time activities for you to explore
- How your liking or disliking of risk-taking and your preferences regarding leadership style might affect your options
Contact the Career & Professional Development office with questions or to schedule an appointment to take the Strong Interest Inventory.
Imagine a career where you have the opportunity to do what you do best – every day. Finding a career that is a good fit for your talents is a key part of the career exploration process. Gallup Research has found that employees who have the opportunity to use their strengths are six times as likely to be engaged in their work and more than three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life than employees who don’t get to focus on what they do best.
StrengthsQuest is comprised of 34 themes. These themes emerged in Gallup’s study of successful people over decades of research. Each theme contains several talents that are natural, recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings or behaviors. The talents found in your Signature Themes are things you do naturally – like breathing.
Through StrengthsQuest, you’ll gain insight into your areas of greatest potential, and you’ll be given clues to the type of work environment in which you are most likely to thrive.
Contact the Career & Professional Development office with questions or to schedule an appointment to take StrengthsQuest.
Informal Assessments
We offer four informal assessments to help increase your self-awareness. We would highly encouraged to schedule a meeting with the Career & Professional Development office to discuss your results after taking any of these assessments.
The information you provide about yourself will produce a career profile showing what extent your self-identified characteristics and preferences match those considered significant in 80 career clusters.
O*NET Interest Profiler
This tool helps you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work.
Personal Value's Assessment
Your values reflect what is important to you. Understanding your values helps you understand how you act or react the way you do. Living your values can make you feel more balanced.
Insight's Values/Work Characteristic Inventory
This inventory will help to clarify your values as they pertain to your working life. The more your work life reflects your most highly regarded values, the more fulfilled you likely will be.
Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionaire (CDDQ)
The goal of this site is facilitate you in the career decision-making process by helping you clarify what your specific career decision-making difficulties are.
Contact Us
We are located in Todd Wehr Hall Room 215.
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3040
Email: careers@snc.edu
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