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Master of Theological Studies Course Descriptions

THEO 501 Systematic Theology and the Theological Method (3 credits)
This course examines the foundations of theology and theological method. It explores the role of Scripture, doctrine, ecclesial practice, philosophy and the sciences in theological reflection. It examines the distinctive and diverse methods that are employed in contemporary Christian thought with special emphasis on practical theology. The central themes of faith, revelation, God, creation and eschatology are addressed.

THEO 502 Historical Development of Christian Tradition (3 credits)
This course studies the development of Christian theological tradition in its unity and diversity, through the contributions of major theological figures, critical movements within the Christian community and the social context in which theology is formed. It explores a variety of approaches to theological inquiry from classical tradition to modern revisions in interpretation, diversity and the research skills necessary for studying theology today.

THEO 503 Scripture and Biblical Interpretation (3 credits)
This is an introduction to contemporary exegetical methods of interpretation through a study of particular biblical texts. The course also investigates related biblical topics such as inspiration, canonicity and the place of Scripture in the Christian community.

THEO 504 Christian Ethics (3 credits)
This course examines the basis of a Christian response to moral questions. The study includes the development of a method consistent with the role of a disciple of Jesus and attempts to apply the method to specific issues such as nuclear war, bioethical issues and economic social justice.

THEO 505 Christology (3 credits)
The central question of all Christian theology is Jesus’ challenge, “Who do you say that I am?” The Christian community in every age has explored the question and attempted to answer it in light of Scripture and human experience. The course studies both past answers and contemporary positions.

THEO 506 The Nature and Mission of the Church (3 credits)
This course is a historical theological study of the origins, nature and mission of the church: basic images and themes in Scripture and traditionthe relation of the kingdom to the church and the relation of the church to the world.

THEO 599 Portfolio (0 credits)
The MTS Portfolio is a collection of work that documents the student's learning and development in each of the areas that the MTS program aims to help our students achieve. The Portfolio showcases selections of work that demonstrate competency in and facility with program goals. The Portfolio will be housed digitally in a Google Drive folder shared with faculty. For each assignment, students draft a brief statement explaining why the assignment was chosen for inclusion. The MTS Portfolio is ongoing work.

THEO 510 Integrative Colloquium (2 credits)
The colloquium engages students in a learning experience that fosters an integration between theology and the practice of church ministry (i.e. religious education, liturgy, pastoral ministry, parish administration or youth ministry). The case-study method is used to examine various contemporary church issues and to develop appropriate responses in a process that promotes critical theological reflection, collaborative models of work, and intellectual and personal self-criticism. Prerequisites: all core courses, elective courses and THEO 509.

THEO 512 Master’s Thesis Project 1 (1 credit)
The students develop and, under the supervision of the thesis director, write the master’s thesis. The director of the Master of Theological Studies program must approve directors of the master’s thesis. Enrollment and registration of this course is typically available in the fall semester (De Pere) and spring semester (New Mexico) of each academic year. Graded on a S/U basis.

THEO 513 Master’s Thesis Project 2 (1 credit)
Continuation of work that began in THEO 512, culminating in a discussion of the thesis and submission of the final approved work. Prior to final approval, a discussion of the work occurs between the student and a panel of three people (i.e., thesis project director and two readers), at which time the thesis project is either approved, disapproved or conditionally approved with recommendations for improvement. Enrollment and registration in this course is typically available in the spring semester (De Pere) and the summer semester (New Mexico) of each academic year. Graded on an S/U basis.

THEO 520 History and Models of Catechisis (2 credits)
This course explores the foundations of catechesis through the major movements, principles and people who influenced today’s approaches to catechesis. Students investigate historical forms of catechesis and the ways they impact how we teach and evangelize today. The object of this course is to discover the reasons “we do what we do” and to recognize the foundational principles for judging the effectiveness of catechetical movements today. The course examines methods and models of catechesis, addressing the practical issue of how to teach religion and theology, including the sacraments.

THEO 522 Faith Development (2 credits)
This course offers perspectives on the contributions of theology and developmental psychology to an understanding of faith development through the lens of modern developmental psychology. Students discuss ways to encourage the development of a spiritual life across the life cycle.

THEO 531 Spiritual Skills I (3 credits)
Spiritual Skills I introduces the student to the realm of Spiritual Care ministry in a health care setting and all that it encompasses. Students will become acquainted with the role of professional chaplaincy, the ethical standards and competencies by which chaplains are called to abide. The art of active listening skills, boundary setting, initiating and concluding pastoral encounters will be emphasized throughout the course. Students will encounter opportunities to minister to people of various faith and no faith backgrounds and understand the importance of ministering to the spiritual needs, and when appropriate, the religious needs of patients, families and staff including partnering with patient’s clergy as requested by patients. Students will be exposed to ministering to patients/families in the beginning of life, during health challenges and at crisis and end of life experiences. Didactic attendance dates are non-negotiable and students must be present. Under rare and emergency circumstances, clinical date changes may be considered following pre-approved conversation with the instructor and must be completed before the next scheduled didactic class session.

THEO 532 Spiritual Skills II (3 credits)
Spiritual Skills II will build on the foundations built in the Pastoral Skills I pre-requisite class and develop a deeper understanding of the role Spiritual Care plays in a person’s health and well-being. Students will take a deeper dive into ethical issues that Spiritual Ministers encounter as they accompany patients facing issues at the beginning of life, issues at the end of life, and the importance of understanding the professional/patient relationship. The Spiritual Skills II class is built upon the competencies of professional chaplain organizations. Didactic attendance dates are non-negotiable and students must be present. Under rare and emergency circumstances, clinical date changes may be considered following pre-approved conversation with the Instructor and must be completed before the next scheduled didactic class session.

THEO 540 Principles of Liturgy (2 credits)
This course considers the principles of Christian liturgy as the primary expression of the church’s life and spirituality. It will provide a basic overview of the history of Christian liturgy and an exploration of the concepts of ritual action, time, space, and the relationship of liturgy and mission. The course addresses the current pastoral need for a broader development and understanding of music, environment and art, and language and enculturation.

THEO 541 Sacramental Theology (2 credits)
This course is an examination of sacramental theology. This examination includes a brief survey of the development of sacramental practices and theologies in Christian history. Particular attention is given to contemporary Christian theological understandings of sacramentality and sacraments and of their inherent anthropological, ecclesial and liturgical dimensions. The intimate connection between sacramental celebration and the transformation of the individual, the Christian community and the world also is explored.

THEO 560 Models of Ministry and Leadership in the Church (2 credits)
This course investigates the theoretical basis for the practice of ministry in the contemporary church. It examines the collaborative role of leadership and authority within that focus of ministry and servant leadership. After exploring the theological understanding and history of ministry in the community, students come to an appreciation of the psychological and sociological influence and impact on ministry.

THEO 576 Theology and Practice of Pastoral Care (2 credits)
This course examines major theological models related to pastoral care. It investigates the implications of these approaches for ministry and for the psychology of pastoral counseling. Self-understanding, biblical and theological teachings, basic psychological theory and helping skills, and working with different populations are the main topics of the course.

THEO 578 Theologies of Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue (2 credits)
The task of ministry today has been impacted greatly by the reality of cultural and religious diversity. Promoting mutual understanding and empathy between different Christian traditions as well as between Christian and non-Christian faiths has become of paramount importance. This course examines the historical and theological contexts of recent developments in ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. Special attention is paid to the pastoral and socio-political implications of such developments.

THEO 579 Enculturation and Evangelization (2 credits)
This course explores the dynamic relationships between Christianity and contemporary culture and societies. It focuses on the development of contextual theologies and the unique challenges and opportunities of postmodern society for shaping a distinct Christian identity. Theories and methods of evangelization and of the “New Evangelization” are examined in light of these new cultural and global realities.

THEO 580 Foundations of Spirituality (2 credits)
This course is a historical survey of various forms of Christian spirituality and mysticism. These spiritualties are examined both in terms of their distinct place in Christian history and for their use in the development of contemporary spirituality that addresses the needs of the church and the world.

THEO 589 Special Topics
See the course schedule for upcoming special topics courses.

THEO 590 Independent Study
This course provides the opportunity to investigate, through independent inquiry and critical analysis, educational theories, practices and agencies that influence the work of teachers. Prerequisites: consent of instructor and approval of M.T.S. director and the associate academic dean.

THEO 594 Theological Practicum (2 credits)
This course is an action/reflection experience for the development of particular pastoral knowledge and skills. Students are placed in a ministerial setting that is appropriate to their area of concentration. Prerequisite: approval of the director of the Master of Theological Studies program.

THEO 600 Continuing Master’s Thesis (0 credit; $100 fee)
If a student does not complete the thesis project while enrolled in THEO 513, students are required to register for this course every semester thereafter until the project is completed.

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