Students gathered in fun background

Student support

A small college with a big heart

One of the hallmarks of a St. Norbert College education is our deep commitment to student health and well-being. Our recipe for success? A wealth of holistic services, programs and resources offered by staff and faculty who want to see you thrive.

Clinical services

The team of highly qualified medical professionals in health services is dedicated to keeping you well. We offer a broad range of confidential clinical services at no cost or at a low cost to you, including physical assessments, laboratory testing, immunizations, illness and injury treatment, counseling, psychotherapy, and psychological testing.

Wellness programs

Additionally, Health Services offers a number of programs designed to promote and support the well-being of the campus community including massage services, vaccine clinics and first aid training.

Counseling and psychological services (CAPS) is committed to helping students adjust to college life, learn effective coping skills, adapt to stressful life events and improve overall functioning.

In addition to one-on-one counseling, CAPS offers support groups and workshops, including:

  • Transitions, a support group offered in early September to help students adjust to college life.
  • Pathways, a one-week group workshop introducing conflict resolution, anxiety/stress and mindfulness.
  • Sisters: Connect and Discover, an eight-week group for women covering self-esteem, moods/emotions and relationships.
  • Tame Your Mind, sessions aimed at reinforcing positive thought patterns.

All CAPS services are covered by the student health fee.

Academic support comes in many forms at SNC and you’re going to be surrounded by people who want the best for you. But it’s not only college faculty and staff members supporting you — it’s your peers and the larger campus community, too.

Academic success, support and accessibility

The office of academic success, support and accessibility offers a number of services and programs that can help you assess your learning habits, enhance your reading comprehension, improve your time management, sharpen your study skills and help remove other learning barriers.

Academic accommodations 

Students with disabilities, including those recovering from illness or injury, can request accommodations to ensure equitable access to their education.

Autism spectrum disorder support

Students with an autism diagnosis are invited to participate in the college's Austism Spectrum Disorder Support Program.

More academic support resources

Life can throw us all sorts of curveballs, and some of those curveballs can make it difficult for students to continue in their college careers. At St. Norbert College, we’re working to make sure students have the resources they need to be successful on our campus.

Student emergency fund

The student emergency fund allows students to apply for one-time expenses of up to $500 for anything that might impede their success at SNC, such as laptop repairs, a winter coat, or new tires that would help them make it home and back to campus.

Financial aid

Financial aid plays an important role in making a St. Norbert College education affordable. The office of financial aid is committed to helping students pursue an affordable, high-quality and personalized college education.

Food insecurity program

St. Norbert College students experiencing a lack of sufficient quantities of affordable, nutritious food are invited to access the St. Norbert College Food Insecurity Program.

St. Norbert College Parish

As the heart of the campus, St. Norbert College Parish offers a warm and welcoming place for students to grow their Catholic faith and find spiritual support.

The Campus Ministry

“Who am I?” “What gifts do I have to offer the world?” Serving students of all faiths, the Campus Ministry at St. Norbert College offers students a variety of wonderful ways to deepen their faith and explore spiritual questions.

ALIVE Student Leaders

ALIVE Peer Ministry programs build community in first-year residence halls and promote programs to discuss questions of meaning, calling and faith.

Our mission at St. Norbert College calls us to recognize the sacred dignity of all persons.

LGBTQ+ services

LGBTQ+ Services connects students with resources and support in an effort to foster a campus environment where all students – including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning or otherwise – feel welcomed, respected, safe and valued.

LGBTQ+ Spectrum Alliance

LGBTQ+ Spectrum Alliance is a student organization committed to supporting the needs and the rights of the LGBTQ+ students on campus, and beyond.

Safe Space Ally Program

The Safe Space Ally Program provides training on how to support LGBTQIA+ friends and the larger community. SNC REH Staff have all received Safe Space Ally training and can offer advice on, for example, roommate conflicts and inclusive housing.

At SNC, we are determined to make sure all of our students feel safe, welcome, respected and valued and are committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Office of Student Inclusion & Belonging

The Office of Student Inclusion & Belonging provides culturally relevant services to foster the successful transition, persistence, achievement and graduation of underrepresented students, including:

It also offers a variety of programming to increase awareness of the beauty of cultural diversity.

Proud to be First

A quarter of SNC students identify as “first generation. Proud to be First supports students whose parents/guardians did not earn a four-year degree in the U.S.

Students gather around and talk a table in a dorm room
Wellness by Design

This initiative underpins SNC’s mission to create a campus community that adopts a sustainable culture of health. It covers the eight dimensions of wellness:

  • Physical
  • Intellectual
  • Environmental
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Occupational

Students at an involvement fair
Contact the Center for Student Engagement
Campus location

Ray Van Den Heuvel Family Campus Center
Suite 330

Hours of operation

8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Mailing address

Center for Student Engagement
St. Norbert College
Campus Center
100 Grant St.
De Pere, WI 54115
